SurveyApp: import, verification and resolution


In this tutorial, we'll show you how to import surveys into the SurveyApp section, allowing you to easily and efficiently create surveys within your communities.

The SurveyApp import feature allows you to quickly create surveys by importing pre-existing templates or questionnaires. In this video, we'll take you step-by-step through how to master this feature and create personalised surveys in no time.

We'll show you how to select the survey template to import, how to prepare the import file in the required formats, and how to configure the parameters specific to your survey.

In addition, we'll explain how to customise the questions, response options and confidentiality settings of your imported survey. You will also learn how to manage the modifications and adjustments required to obtain a survey that is perfectly adapted to your needs.


Checking the import

Import results

Import problem solved for dates