Welcome to the BRIC platform...
Building Resilience in Communities (BRIC)
The BRIC Web Platform is the legacy product of the BRIC project and integrates the outputs of eight resilience networks, the BRIC Resilience Model, and the BRIC Resilience Toolkit. The platform brings together French and English communities to share their experiences, identify common challenges, and find innovative solutions to manage environmental risks.
The BRIC Web Platform is designed to help build resilience in communities vulnerable to environmental risks. The platform provides resources, guidance, good practices, surveys, and training materials to support the sustainability of these efforts. The platform is low-cost and accessible, making it a cost-effective resource to help social innovation and the delivery of flood risk management services.
The BRIC Web Platform consists of several hosted applications :
- Page BuilderApp
- TrainingApp
- SurveyApp
- Comments, Resources, FAQs
- Other administrative functionalities
- user management
- menu builder
- page statistics and analytics, and
- administrator feedback
It also includes partner applications :
- StoryMap
- WebMap/WebApp - interactive maps, data collection apps
- OgoxeApp
- FORT tool
The platform is intended for use by all members of the community. It is a fast and collaborative way of creating community flood resilience webpages without coding. The platform is customizable, flexible, and adaptable to specific needs and requirements. It has a user-centred approach, with all functionalities co-created and conceptualized with the BRIC project partners.
To support the efficient creation of bric-network community pages, the Web Platform has several user roles:
Administrator : responsible for creating and managing the bric-network community site, with sub-user types (owner, configurator, editor, and evaluator) for easy management and collaboration.
Privileged user / Stakeholder : has access to admin-created content not available to public users.
Public user – active user : has access to admin-created content, participates in training and surveys provided by the community bric-network.
Public user : accesses admin-created content anonymously.